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Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society

The Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society (MAGPS) is a regional affiliate of the American Group Psychotherapy Association that serves group therapists in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

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Anti-Racism Committee (ARC) Event Schedule

1 Mar 2022 1:50 PM | Sonia Kahn (Administrator)

Anti-racism committee Events - SPRING 2022

The mission of the Anti-Racism Committee is to provide recommendations to the MAGPS Board to address systemic racism in our organization and the mental health field as a whole. Our task is to use education, dialogue, outreach, and personal growth accountability to be a voice for change within our group therapy community.

Please visit the ARC Events page

for a listing of upcoming events, including our online Racial Affinity Groups (MAGPS Members only), ARC Roundtables (open to members and non-members), and ARC Community Meetings.  

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