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Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society

The Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society (MAGPS) is a regional affiliate of the American Group Psychotherapy Association that serves group therapists in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

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2023-2025 MAGPS Board Elections

MAGPS is pleased to announce the Call for Nominations for the 2023-2025 Board of Directors.  You may use this page to nominate your self or a peer, learn more about MAGPS Board positions, understand the election process, or scroll to the bottom for a timeline of events.  You must submit nominations for yourself or a colleague by 11/21/2022.  Voting will begin on 11/28/2022 and closes on 12/12/2022.

If you are interested in serving as an Officer on the MAGPS Board:

  1. Self-Nominate by clicking here.  After clicking the link, you will be asked 5 questions, one of which will ask you to provide a biographical statement, that includes your interest in taking on the desired role.  Your ideas will be shared members during the voting process 

  2. Nominate a colleague by clicking here or emailing nominations@magps.org.  In a brief email, please tell us who you are nominating and why.  

We are seeking to have at least two candidates for each Officer position.  MAGPS Members will vote from 11/28/2022-12/12/2022 for their candidate of choice.    

The following position are open, and serve a term from Spring 2023 to Spring 2025.  Click on the position or scroll down to learn more.

President Elect.

The President-Elect will assume the office of the President at the expiration of the latter’s term or if the President resigns. 
The President Elect:

    1. Runs Board meetings in the absence of the President.
    2. Takes on projects as requested by the President.
    3. Co-Chairs at least two Conferences during this period unless you have co-chaired conferences in the past. Otherwise is available to assist in conference committees.
    4. Reviews Bank and Financial Statements.


The Secretary shall issue calls and notices of meetings and of nominations of officers and members-at-large of the Board of Directors, keep the records of the Society and serves as a member of the Board of Directors.  When a new Board is installed, the Secretary shall update MAGPS letterhead.

Before Board Meetings

    1. Call for Reports.  Send an email to all Board members prior to all Board meetings.  The president sets the date and gives a few weeks’ notice before the date of the meeting.
    2. Prepare the Board Meeting Agenda, including all reports received.  For those not received by date assigned, board members are invited to bring reports to share at meetings.
    3. Prepare the Board Meeting Minutes from previous Board Meeting.
    4. Copy, electronically send or print all reports for distribution (minutes and agendas).

At the Board Meeting:

    1. Take notes
    2.  Shortly thereafter, send these to the Board for review to assure nothing was overlooked.

Ballots/Nominations Committee:  Every 2 Years

    1. Receive slate of candidates for Officer and Board Positions by November 1 from Past President/Nominating Committee.
    2. Create an electronic ballot of candidates in Constant Contact
    3. Set ballots to be sent to distribution list of MAGPS members only.
    4. Send electronic ballot to MAGPS members no later than November 20.  
    5. Set Constant Contact polling application to close by December 10.
    6. Request MAGPS member response by December 10. (In the past, ballots were mailed no later than November 20, and had to be postmarked by December 10 to be counted.  The ballots could be mailed any time before November 20.) 


The Treasurer shall share custody of all funds of the Society with the Membership Chair. Their primary task will be to make disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors and shall be responsible for the annual audit.


    1.  Prior to Board meetings, send account statements to Executive Committee.
    2.  Acquire and maintain state tax exempt status as needed. Submit 990-N to AGPA main office.
    3. Make payment to CHUBB insurance (Board Liability Insurance).
    4. Complete (or hire an accountant to complete) annual tax return.
    5. Prior to the Winter board meeting, provide (via email) Executive Board members copies of end-of-year statement(s) for all MAGPS bank accounts.
    6. Create and present Treasurer’s Report for Spring Conference Community Meeting


    1. Attend Board meetings and contribute treasurer’s report for each meeting.
    2. Keep track of income and expenses
    3. Deposit checks that come in for membership, conference registration, newsletter advertising, and donations
    4. Transfer money from PayPal account into MAGPS Wells Fargo account
    5. Provide specific financial data as requested by President Elect and other Board members

Related to Conferences

    1. Keep the main copy of the MAGPS credit card.
    2. Pay bills as requested by conference chairs and officers.
    3. Review conference budget and Calculate profit or loss for each conference.

Membership Chair

The Membership Chair shall maintain the listing of current and associate members. A “mailing list” may also be maintained that includes other interested persons.  Membership Chair will share responsibilities with the Treasurer. Membership Chair responsibilities include the following:


    1. Solicit membership (January 1st- August).
    2. Track payment of dues.
    3. Share responsibilities with the treasurer in collecting MAGPS funds.
    4. Manage membership database/ create mailing lists in Constant Contact.
    5. Publish the directory (August).
    6. Solicit membership payments from those individuals who registered as members for the conference but are not members this year.
    7. Create and present Membership Report for Spring Conference Community Meeting.
    8. Create membership List in categories as requested by AGPA.

*Members At Large (4 board members)

Members at Large shall be elected and serve for a term of two years.  All members shall serve on one or more MAGPS Committees.  A member-at-large is a voting, non-officer position.  The individual serves on the Board but doesnot have a specific list of duties but helps to fulfill the Board's strategic needs, as determined by the President, or Board as a whole, at any given time. During their elected two-year term, members-at-large may have various responsibilities, as well as lead committees or projects.  Examples of roles or tasks Members at Large can undertake include: 

    1. Chairing a conference.
    2. Participating in conference committees (e.g. registrar, catering).
    3. Leading a special project committee.
    4. Developing, implementing, or refining a tool or process that improves MAGPS's ability to meet member's needs (e.g. deploying a new form of technology).
    5. Organizing an MAGPS training day.
    6. Plan one social event per year.

------------------ or -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7.  Serving as an Anti-Racism Committee Co-Chair*


8.  Serving in the Position of the Technology Director*

*Three of the four Members At Large will transition to the Technology Director, Anti-Racism Committee Co-Chairs.

MAGPS Election Timeline
      • 9/24/2022 – 11/21/2022 – Call for Nominations/Self-Nominations to Board
      • 11/28/2022 – Release Electronic Ballot to MAGPS members for voting
      • 12/12/2022 – Voting Closes
      • Spring 2023 Conference – New Board Takes Office

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