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Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society

The Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society (MAGPS) is a regional affiliate of the American Group Psychotherapy Association that serves group therapists in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

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MAGPS is committed to
Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI)

The MAGPS JEDI is committed to creating inclusionary spaces that affirm marginalized identities and encourage conversations at all levels of the organization to raise awareness about the impact of dominant cultural privileges as they surface in training, practice, and service. In addition, JEDI aims to develop relationships with marginalized communities within the geographic boundaries of the Society and encourage their members to participate in the Society.

UPcoming JEDI Events

All of the MAGPS Affinity Groups are lead by experienced members of our community who have trained to lead racial affinity groups.

BIPOC Affinity Group

Convened by
Margaret WilmotFrancis, MA, MS, LPA

The MAGPS BIPOC Consultation Group meets virtually on the 3rd Sunday of each month from 3:00pm-4:30pm. The purpose of this group is to provide a space to connect with other BIPOC mental health providers. We hope to offer a space to decompress, facilitate clinical discussion (e.g., anti-racism), share experiences within professional spaces, and personal interests. All MAGPS members will receive an email to register for these meetings or you can register by clicking on the event listed below. You will receive the Zoom meeting link after you have registered. For more information about this affinity groups and other anti-racism programming at MAGPS, please reach out to JEDI@magps.org.

WHITE Affinity Group

Convened by
Barbara Cristy and Jill Peñaloza

The MAGPS White Affinity Group meets virtually on the 4th Sunday of each month from 3:00-5:00pm. In this meeting we discuss our own experiences of identity, race and racism, and how white supremacy culture and consciousness affects us, our practices, and MAGPS. All MAGPS members will receive an email to register for these meetings or you can register by clicking on the event listed below. You will receive the Zoom meeting link after you have registered. For more information about this affinity groups and other anti-racism programming at MAGPS, please reach out to JEDI@magps.org.
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