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Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society

The Mid-Atlantic Group Psychotherapy Society (MAGPS) is a regional affiliate of the American Group Psychotherapy Association that serves group therapists in Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland and the District of Columbia.

Conference Scholarship Application (Fall 2024)

  • 18 Oct 2024




Fall 2024 Conference SCHOLARSHIP

Deadline to apply is october 18, 2024

 The 2024 Fall Conference, "From

Sensation to Relation: How Our Diverse Bodies Participate in Group Process” with Carlos Canales, PsyD, CGP, SEP™️ on November 15-17, 2024.

Our biannual conferences are designed for members of our community to come together and learn about group therapy and group dynamics in a warm, collegial, and engaging environment.

MAGPS conferences are intended for trainees and practitioners in psychiatry, psychology, social work and other mental health disciplines.
Conferences offer both didactic and experiential learning experiences to deepen attendees' understanding of topical content in preparation for introducing the gained knowledge into their group therapy work. Attendees do not need to be actively participating group therapy,
or live/work in the Mid-Atlantic region.

Scholarships are available for students and first-time attendees. 

Scholarships cover all conference registration fees and include one-year of free MAGPS membership. 

If you are interested in applying for a scholarship, click the REGISTER button on the left and Karen Eberwein, PsyD, ABPP, CGP, our Past President and Scholarship Chair will be in touch with you shortly. If you have any questions about our Scholarship process or the Conference itself, please feel free to email her at

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